Wednesday, December 27, 2006


我, 藍人, 哥哥及舅舅一家一行七人到我喜歡的四川餐廳吃飯.
頭盤有: 椒鹽豆腐, 麻辣肚絲, 春卷
主菜有: 水煮牛肉, 辣子雞, 盤盤大蝦, 四川茄子, 京香爆羊肉, 鍋燒雞, 蜜汁叉燒及蒜蓉白菜.
他們的大廚拿手的是京川菜, 所以味道很有水準!
藍人也很欣賞這兒的食物, 唯一的不滿是他們出菜慢!
而我覺得今晚最可惜的是吃不到我最喜愛的炸荔枝 -__-
我是專程帶藍人來吃這甜品, 為何偏偏沒有呢!
(很難再有機會帶他來, 因為此餐廳跟我們一樣星期二關門啊!)


本打算回港時與爸媽到東京遊覽, 但媽今天說諾沃克病毒(Norwalk Virus)在日本肆虐, 似乎此行程很大可能要告吹!
可憐的藍人一心要到日本觀光, 現在無望了!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Chrstmas to All my friends!

To Dear All,

Merry Christmas to you all!
Hope you enjoy your Christmas time!
Have you received any Christmas present?
I would like to tell/remind you that you got your present actually.
But I am not sure did you receive it or not.
You present on Christmas is Jesus gave you his life for your sins.
He is the most precious present for all of us on this special Christmas day.
Hope you will receive this present if you haven't accept it.

I was quite busy on last month.
It was because our business is busy around Christams time.
Don't always thing that I am a "少奶奶" and have nothing to do here.
I am always busy in this reality!

But I will have my enjoyable time soon.
Hoooooo, Hong Kong I will be back!
Blue Man and I will kill all the nice food when we come back.
Ha Ha, too happy to thing of it!

Hope to see you all!

Monday, December 18, 2006

The Wizard of Oz

演員不停問觀眾應不應該這樣做, 巫婆出現時叫大家"噓"佢, 叫大家幫手找東西, 還拿水槍射觀眾!
小朋友們不停叫嚷, 十分興奮, 我看著覺得很傻氣, 但也挺可愛!
我們後悔沒有把我們的小表弟妹帶來, 他們必定看得很投入, 而我們也沒有這麼尷尬 (因其他大人都是帶小朋友來, 只有我們不是).
這是一齣很童真, 俱教育意義的劇. 看了人也開心及年輕起來!